by Elizabeth Berg
This (non) review contains spoilers You know what the sad thing is? If it weren't for that ending I am pretty sure I would have given this book a 4 (or 3). Yes I realize that an ending shouldn't affect my rating by such a large amount but it does. It does because for starters I was looking for a fee...
3 stars
3 stars
I had a hard time getting into this one. Didn't like the characters or the premise.
Berg, who has written one of my favorite stories (Open House) really drops the ball on this one. There's no fluidity in the story and the characters lack substance. The daughter's ordeal was sketchy and hasty.
Nothing at all like her other books. This one seemed forced and lacked believability. It's ok though, she'll always be one of my favorite writers.
This is not the usual type of book I read. It is more of a fast page turning novel for a plane flight, a beach day, a vacation, but it is a poignant, even tender tale that covers many of life’s ups and downs, pitfalls and horizons. It is almost a fairy tale, and it is a love story, among other thing...
Elizabeth Berg, your first half-dozen books were keepers for me; I could read lines from these books over and over again and they would make me cry and laugh at the same time, every time. Not so your last three novels. (I feel terribly sad telling you this. Yet I feel I must tell you this.) You star...