by Rachel Aaron
A little less Urban, this Fantasy is still just as much fun After barely escaping the machinations of his terrifying mother, two all knowing seers, and countless bloodthirsty siblings, the last thing Julius wants to see is another dragon. Unfortunately for him, the only thing more dangerous than ...
3.5 starsIt was good -- Aaron definitely threw multiple twists throughout, especially related to Estella's and Bob's plans, both being seers that they are. Julius shows that being "The Nice Dragon" is actually strength rather than weakness, and I loved him for it. The way he stands up for his friend...
My daughters and I were all very excited to listen to One Good Dragon Deserves Another on our holiday road trip. We loved the first book in the series and really enjoyed the narrator. We were not disappointed; this second book in the series is just as good as the first one was and once again the nar...
My review and an extended sample of the audiobook are posted at One Good Dragon Deserves Another starts about a month after the end of the previous story, Nice Dragons Finish Last. We are still following the main character of Julius, the youngest of the Heartstrikers. He is also kn...