by Teresa Medeiros
Genre: Historical Romance Year Published: 2003 Number of Pages: 370 pages Date Read: 11/1/2010 Series: Fairleigh Sisters #2 I just cannot get enough of Teresa Medeiros' works lately! Every novel that I read by her always contains lots of drama and hot love scenes that just gets me in an excit...
Look, this book is readable because Teresa Medeiros is a good writer. On the other hand, some serious "Jane Eyre" moments going on here. Way too many plot points and characters. -Harriet-Ned Townsend-Ghost-Old crone teacherThe paranormal aspect definitely could have been omitted. The beginning of...
Carotta Anne Fairlleigh is prone to getting herself into trouble but this time she may have overstepped her bounds. She decides on her debut day to peek into the windows of the Murderous Marquess who lives next-door. Now she's bethrothed and on her way to Cornwall. She now wants to know about his...
I never read old school romance like this, but I picked this up on a whim at the user book store while looking for a romance recommended by a friend, and it was actually a lot fun. Sure it had the purple prose and unbelievable plot points but i did like both the hero and heroine and the sexy bits we...
I really enjoyed the book, but the end was not good enough , but everything else was very good. I laughed a lot and felt what the characters felt. I recommend this book.
Medeiros is frustrating because she writes such awesome scenes but the rest of the book doesn't come together, or rather it does, but like a patchwork quilt with blaring oddities.I liked this book and iddn't expect that I would like Lottie because that kind of character can actually be hard to write...
My review contains spoilers and they're mostly my thoughts as I went with the book. This one's got 3 parts.This book was a great improvement, at least the heroine Lottie, who was nothing less than insane in the first book of this series.I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised by Lottie's book. It is...
Some individual episodes in the book were quite enjoyable (the tea parties, the cats, the chapter headings), but there are so many inconsistencies, typos, anachronisms ("It's my lunch" ???) and just plain mistakes (spring arrives in Cornwall at the end of June???) that I can't give the book a higher...
I hate reading series out of order!! That being said I thoroughly enjoyed this book even though I did not read the previous one, yet.A wonderfully written and engaging romance!! I really enjoy this author!! Loads of drama and just the right amount of steam!