I really liked this book. it was a quick read, and it was a very inspirational story. It's amazing what can happen when one puts your mind to trying to achieve a dream.
I was really looking forward to reading this book; it seemed like it would be a great read - a guy who trades from a paperclip to a house should have the makings of a great book. Unfortunately, although MacDonald has a brilliant story to tell, he just doesn't tell it well. I only kept reading becaus...
Interesting memoir by a slacker who traded his paperclip for a series of things, culminating in a house. Prose struck me as awkward, especially the bathetic inspirational divisions between chapters.
The true story of how one man traded a simple, little, red paperclip and kept trading until he ended up with a house, exactly one year later. Read my review of this interesting autobiographical book that chronicles a fascinating idea and adventure, here. https://tcl-bookreviews.com/2015/10/12/what-a...