by Bob Shaw, Владимир Зарков
The only son of Elizabeth the richest lady and psychopath of the Two Worlds, Earth and Terranova accidentally killed himself. She accuses Captain Garamond in the accident. The persons whom she accused or even disliked in anything, are known, if putting it mildly, to be absent all their life-time. ...
Nutshell: spacefarer absconds from Earth, discovers Dyson sphere, has some adventures, &c.Setting is reminiscent of [b:Jennifer Government|33356|Jennifer Government|Max Barry||1647], wherein the state has withered away and what remains is a libertar...
This a whale of a science-fiction novel, ample in scope, awash with imagination, and chock-full of ideas. The hero, an intrepid space explorer, finds a Dyson Sphere around a star. That means that the whole star has been enclosed in a huge spherical envelope - Ringworld, eat your heart out! What's it...