Our man in Havana: an entertainment
Graham Greene (author)
9780140130287 (0140130284)
Publish date: October 26th 1990
Publisher: Penguin
Edition language: English
European Literature,
British Literature,
20th Century,
Spy Thriller,
Memorial Day Weekend -- Labor Day 2018 The Books: Fiction Eric Ambler: The Mask of Dimitrios (new / print) **** Phyllis Bottome: The Lifeline (new / ebook-to-printed-PDF) ***1/2 John le Carré: The Tailor of Panama (revisited on audio, narrated by the author) ****1/2 Agatha Christie: N or M? (revis...
Graham Greene is one of those authors that I've always meant to read - and following along with BrokenTune's Greene-land Adventures project increased my desire to dip into his books. The Summer of Spies gave me a perfect opportunity to check out one of his "espionage" books. I wasn't expecting the...
Beschreibung Mr. James Wormold lebt mit seiner Tochter Milly in Kuba und verdient sich seinen Lebensunterhalt als Staubsauger-Vertreter. Als er eines Tages vom britischen Geheimdienst angeworben wird, ergreift er die sich ihm bietende Chance beim Schopf, und wird als Spion tätig. Denn nur mit dies...
Cuba in the 1950s was such a strategically important place that espionage bloomed there and in the satirical spy novel Our Man in Havana by Graham Greene the general desire for first-hand intelligence has strange offshoots. One day Jim Wormold, the agent of Phastkleaners vacuum cleaners in Havana,...
I'm not familiar with satire or spy novels, but I still got a lot of enjoyment out of this.