Outside the Dog Museum
9780349105895 (0349105898)
Edition language: English
Series: Answered Prayers (#4)
it's so goofy and cute and unpredictable but sometimes I have a real hard time enjoying goofy and cute and unpredictable.
how to begin? how to begin again?the novel begins by introducing us to a world-class architect, named harry radcliffe, who has a nervous breakdown, acquires the services of a shaman, and then tries to put his life back together. he is asked to design a dog museum in a fictional middle eastern countr...
Un libro bastante simpatico y entretenido. Mas fantasioso que fantastico, y con un lenguaje sorpresivamente elocuente en muchas partes. El principio es muy bueno, pero luego empiezan a tratar de ponerse intelectual, sin llegar a serlo del todo, descuidando la historia.