by Emma Chase
The Characters: Stanton ShawSofia Santos The Story: Sofia is no less than a saint for dealing with Stanton. Yes they do work well together but I really don’t see how she found the strength to stand by him while he worked out his feelings for Jenny. I could continue to rant and rave about Stanton’s b...
I have no one to blame for this but myself. I hated Emma Chase's Tangled (see my rage-review here), and so I just should have known that whatever Chase is selling, I don't want to buy. However, being a criminal lawyer myself, I'm kind of a sucker for romances involving prosecutors/defense attorneys ...
PJV Quickie: Is it possible to love a character while simultaneously wanting to throttle him? Because that's exactly what happened here! In Overruled, Emma Chase is doing what she does best - writing characters you love to hate to love. (Yes, that's exactly what I meant to say :) ) Review: Stant...
I really enjoyed reading Overruled. It's a romance containing lots of heat with a side of comedy and cuteness.Stanton had one girlfriend from elementary school until graduation. When he went away to Columbia to school and she stayed back home with their daughter and community college, they agreed ...
Oh and there was a Drew sighting! I love Emma Chase's works. The fact she gets so deep into the male mind how it works- not so well at times - has me rolling in laughter. I feel like her other series, this one will improve with each one.I could connect with the Hero- I want this and can't see the ...