by Kevin Henkes
Everyone around him wants Owen to grow up. Owen is not ready to let go of his beloved blanket,Fuzzy, yet. In this story the characters learn that it is okay to embrace the old with the new. I would implement this book in the classroom as a way to help younger students adjust to the changes they must...
★★★★★Owen by Kevin Henkes Another great by Kevin Henkes, the blankie dilemma, hard on parents and children alike
★★★★★Owen by Kevin Henkes Another great by Kevin Henkes, the blankie dilemma, hard on parents and children alike
Such an awesome story of helping your child make the transition to another phase of life.
This is the story of Owen and his beloved blanket named Fuzzy. They do everything together! And all is good until a busy body neighbor decrees that Owen is too old for Fuzzy. Full of advice, but lacking in wisdom or compassion, the neighbor dispenses a steady stream of misguided advice which Owen...
Neither of my kids (nor I, for that matter) ever felt an especially strong bond to a blanket or stuffy, so really, I kind of don't get these stories. All I know about blankets I learned from Linus.
I can't count the number of times I read this to my son who shares a name with the title character. A sweet book with a creative twist.