by Jane Yolen
Owl Moon is a beautifully illustrated story about relationships, hope and nature. The author writes very descriptively using figurative language to set the scenes as a young girl and her father take a walk through the snowy woods in search for an owl. This story is perfect to read while learning t...
Earlier this year, after moving into my new place, I dug up some of the boxes in my parent’s basement to consolidate and prune my collections. Of course, digging up some childhood favorites, I had to pause to flip through them again, reminding me of days past when there was plenty of time to read, w...
Genre: Family / Adventure / Winter / Tradition Year Published: 1987 Year Read: 1993 Publisher: Philomel Books I have actually read this book when I was a child, but now I have finally got the chance to re-read this book again! “Owl Moon” is a Caldecott Medal award winning book by Jane ...
Lovely art and a poetic story about a young girl who goes owling with her father. very picturesque and even though I have never been owling, this makes it sound mysterious and fun. While some kids may find this boring, take your kids out into the woods or something one night to look for nocturnal ...
A simple story of a rite of passage. Between Yolen's descriptions and Schoenherr's illustrations it's easy to feel like you are there on a farm on a snowy moonlit night looking for owls. Cute book to read with kids.
I have read this book many, many times. It is one of my favorite picture books because of its elegant story (father and child walk through winter forest at night to look for an owl), poetic language, and basically flawless execution. Excellent for its depiction of a sense of wonder. Excellent for it...
I loved the words and the visual. A beautiful striking book that makes me want to go out during a full moon.
Owl Moon is the story of an unusual outing. A father takes his little daughter 'owling' on a snowy moonlit night. It seems this is a family tradition and it's implied that our little protagonist is the youngest sibling and, therefore, the last to participate in this precious little right of passag...
Really lovely. A good,soothing, quiet sort of book.