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Owlflight (Owl Mage Trilogy, #1) - Community Reviews back

by Mercedes Lackey, Larry Dixon, Mercedes and Larry Lackey and Dixon
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The best books you never read
The best books you never read rated it 10 years ago
Decided as I was taking a break from writing that I would sit back and re-read some of my favorite books. Mercedes Lackey writes some of the very best fantasy on the market today. As a long time fan of her fiction I find myself constantly going back to her books when I run out of things to read. ...
Lisa (Harmony)
Lisa (Harmony) rated it 11 years ago
I'm generally a fan of Lackey's Valdemar books. This one starts in a way very common to her, as we follow a young man, Darian, who is orphaned and alienated from all around him. One thing that makes this one different from the usual Valdemar books though, is this particular young man isn't destined...
Begin at the beginning
Begin at the beginning rated it 11 years ago
I was glad to see Lackey take her Valdemar books past the storms. Like many of her Valdemar books she uses a younger character in this book, which makes this a good read for both adults and YA.
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