This book is not a multiple-choice test to help you to choose which pagan path to follow from all the available options including Wicca, Asatru, Druidry, and more. Instead, these one hundred questions will deepen your understanding of yourself, your bond with your gods, and the usefulness of your...
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This book is not a multiple-choice test to help you to choose which pagan path to follow from all the available options including Wicca, Asatru, Druidry, and more. Instead, these one hundred questions will deepen your understanding of yourself, your bond with your gods, and the usefulness of your everyday spiritual practice. This will help you start writing a spiritual journal. Anyone can benefit whether you are a newcomer or a pagan elder. Your answers will shed light on where you have been and what you want now. And I have included my own replies to give you another person's perspective. Remember, there are no wrong responses. My answers merely reflect what works for me, but are not a "correct" doctrine to force upon anyone else. Take your time answering the one hundred questions. Write as much as you can. The more you write, the deeper you go, and the more you learn about yourself. And those who do want help sorting through the most well-known types of paganism are welcome to browse through the summaries in the glossary. This book is approximately 11,000 words.
About the author: I practice Anglo-Saxon paganism (heathenry) and northern European shamanism, and write weekly articles for the Wicca topic at
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