199419982001The only really useful baby name book I ever saw. Now I suppose you can find more and more pertinent info on the interwebs, but before I ever reproduced this book taught me how I think about names, and how to choose them.Library copy
Younger is about a woman who is in her forties and wants to be younger. I’m 30, but this book definitely hit home for me. Alice wants to be able to get back into the publishing workforce. She kept trying and they shot her down. After her makeover she actually starts getting some attention from em...
Find this review and much more at Read, Run, Ramble Somewhat funny and entertaining for a quick, in-flight read while on my way to Boston. I actually didn't even finish it...once the flight was over, so was the reading of this book for me - I needed something "meatier" (for lack of a better word).