by Julian Barnes, Джулиан Барнс
Despite my fondness for rambling stories, this one didn't enchant me that much. I love a lot of thing about it, Flaubert's life timeline seen from 2 different point of views were great. Also the chapter about animals representation. But some chapters were just tedious and got me counting pages to th...
dua burung kakaktua
After reading [b:The Sense of an Ending|10746542|The Sense of an Ending|Julian Barnes||15657664], I was very keen to read another Julian Barnes book. "Flaubert’s Parrot" seems to be his most famous, and I remember reading glowing reviews way back ...
Prvo, ne mogu da verujem da je isti čovek napiao ovu knjigu i Opet, s rezervom da drugu nisam shvatila na pravi način onda kad sam je čitala.,,Floberov papagaj" me je duže vreme vukao iz potpuno iracionalnih razloga. Donela sam dobru odluk...
Took me a long time to get into it, but I'm glad I persevered. Only my second Barnes book (after Metroland) and - I think - widely thought of as his magnum opus, I personally preferred the earlier book. I will read more by him though.
Guy gets talking to this doctor on a ferry trip; the doctor just can't understand why his wife killed herself.Flaubert sometimes used to refer to himself as "Gourstave". Barnes translates this as "Flau-bear".And more Flaubert-related musings, vaguely wrapped up as a postmodernist novel. If you're a ...