Pär Lagerkvist
Birth date: May 23, 1891
Died: July 11, 1974
Pär Lagerkvist's Books
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At times a reading both fun and exhilarating, and occasionally periodic moments of disgust or despair. But between these covers hatred is seriously examined and accounted for. As the back cover blurbs suggest, there turns out to be absolutely no hope for anyone's redemption. And only a small pers...
Ένα αλληγορικό κείμενο πάνω στα όρια της κακίας, του νάνου, που ενυπάρχει σε όλους μας, μια βουτιά στο άδυτο της μισανθρωπίας και του μηδενισμού.An allegorical text on the borders of malice, on the dwarf, which is inherent in all of us, a dip in the sanctuary of human misanthropy and nihilism.
But sitting here, old and alone, looking back—looking back over my life, it is you, my god, that I think of. For it is you who have been my life, you who consume and burn all things like fire. You who leave nothing in your wake. My life is what I have lived in you. The cruel, bitter, rich life you h...
The Dwarf is a strange little book written by a Swedish Nobel Prize winner some time during WWII. It’s a rather allegoric story narrated by a dwarf living on the court in an unnamed Italian city probably in the 15th century, but actually all the hints point us in the same direction as Machiavelli’s ...
Bleak, creepy New Testament fanfic that I found in my cousin Holly's room. This is what I thought the gnostic gospels were going to be like.