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Partials - Aufbruch - Community Reviews back

by Dan Wells
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Wortmagieblog rated it 6 years ago
Dan Wells und ich haben eines gemeinsam: wir haben beide „Die Welt ohne uns“ von Alan Weisman gelesen. In meinem Fall führte die Leseerfahrung zu der Erkenntnis, dass unser Fußabdruck auf der Erde fast ausschließlich negativ wäre, würden wir plötzlich verschwinden. In Dan Wells‘ Fall beeinflusste di...
danae rated it 9 years ago
I just finished Partials and i really enjoyed it. :) It was nice reading about a society that so values human life (except Haru). I did think it was a bit hard to believe that no adults in 11 years came up with the idea that 16-year-old Kira came up with after a few weeks(?) studying the virus. The ...
traciloudin rated it 10 years ago
A fantastic post-apocalyptic world with characters that truly felt like real people. The people that were adults during the apocalypse had an entirely different worldview than the children who survived. No family was left untouched. Every parent lost a child, and no child's biological parent survive...
elepoon rated it 10 years ago
I listened to the audio version of this book. The reader, Julia Whelan, did a great job. I loved the story and the characters. Civilization is dying out. A cure to save babies from a terrible virus, created in a war 11 years ago, needs to be found. Kirra believes that she is the girl to cure the dis...
LulzCat Reviews
LulzCat Reviews rated it 10 years ago
This book suffered from having too much description and not enough action. It was a 3.5 star book that should have easily been rated 5 stars. I was kept on the edge of my seat the entire time waiting...and waiting. Partials had the potential for something amazing and explosive but it all felt so ...
Living for Reading♥
Living for Reading♥ rated it 11 years ago
Este es uno de esos libros que lo terminas y te deja con un vacio existencial, cuestionandote todo. Me arrepiento de haber esperado tanto para leerlo, de haberlo postergado y de haberlo leido tan despacio. Es muy MUY bueno! Espero que mucha mas gente lo lea y se de cuenta de lo magnifico que es.
Wangeleile rated it 11 years ago
Fand ich sehr klischeehaft.
Reading is my ESCAPE from Reality!
Reading is my ESCAPE from Reality! rated it 11 years ago
This book is the first in a trilogy. I quite enjoyed this story. It had a lot of twists and turns. And I got a shock about three quarters of the way through the book. I won't reveal what happened, but it was quite an interesting twist. During the Isolation War between the United States and China, ...
Housewife Blues and Chihuahua Stories
The year is 2076, mankind's future is bleak and the world Kira Walker and her friends live in is slowly but surely changing for the worse.The author took several elements and created a story that spans different genres in a way that showcases the best of each one, giving us a tale that grips the ima...
Life of a bookworm
Life of a bookworm rated it 11 years ago
It was not so easy to get into this book. Maybe the lack of connection with the protagonist or the fact that this particular 'dystopian' world was hard to get into. But once you got the hang of it, the book was stellar. Humanity is all but extinguished after a war with Partials—engineered organic be...
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