A solid 3 1/2 stars. Very Edward Hooper in style and atmosphere. Cole Porter music as the thread that unites the whole story of three people on the bricks on despairs and failure. Very 1930's. Classic Blanchet. More of a emotional picture book than a whole story but that's okay. Sometimes you don't ...
All in blood red and black. The illustrations are still magnificient and are the best part of the novel. The story is average for Blanchet who tried to achieve a balance between tragedy and fantasy and not really hitting it. The stage is set, it's baroque, the villain is bad to the bone, the innocen...
This is the story of the family of the author. Pascal Blanchet's illustrations are magnificient in their simplicity yet they bring an enormous emotional charge. A man learns the piano, moves to the city plays jazz in a bar, is lonely, finds love, goes to war, comes back to love, a family, music, lif...
Art déco graphic novel from one of the best graphic novel artist in Quebec. Blanchet with a quasi monochrome palette of dark almost black brown, to bright orange tells the story of a 'company town' up north on the St-Maurice river, Rapide Blanc. Built to house the employees of the water and energy c...