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I can see why others have liked this and why it was recommended to me. Lots of hot sex and a definite taboo subject. didn't do it for me. I was completely entertained but the non consent was kinda absent and, when present, some of the non consent that was there wasn't the forced seduction k...
For when I have a death wish. Or for a lovely buddy read...if anyone's up for this apparent perverted disaster?;)
I blame Julio-Alexi Genao, Best ranting review. Ever. Now I'm intrigued.
I'm not going to rate this one, because. I was inspired to check it out thanks to Julio's review. I'm so glad it was free, so I had no qualms about skimming through the chapters I read as I tried to figure out WTF?I never did figure it out, but I eventually read enough to satisfy my curiosity about ...
A big fat LOL to this fine specimen of a book. Morbid curiosity definitely got the better of me and actually managed to convince me that giving this little piece of literary uniqueness a try would be an awesome thing to do... Looky how that turned out? - Yay.And yeah, this clearly is meant to be hum...