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Despite (or because of?) some potentially disturbing content, I really, really liked this book. Found myself compelled to keep reading to find out what twists and turns the story would take next. The only downside was an ending that seemed to leave things unfinished - ready for the next installment ...
3,5 starsThe Golden Raspberry for the smuttiest, weirdest Mafia-daily soap ever and an Oscar for the Carnalli-clan boss Quentin - the picture of a depraved mind.There were 3 or 4 chapters - somewhere in the middle - in a row without s** - I was miffed...`nough said.
Despite some serious issues I found in the plot (for instance, some SUPER illogical reasoning by the MC) , this was still addicting enough to read in one day. That's right, 40+ chapters in one day when I should've been studying for a calculus exam. Bad student. The delightfully twisted and sadistic ...
Is there something wrong with me that I could NOT put this down??? So wrong but I greatly enjoyed the story. So wrong...Liked this one even better than the first because the brothers were working toward reconnecting and I felt we got to know them better, especially Ven and Quentin. Quentin is a geni...