This is a very cute story about a hen names Rosie who goes for a walk around her farm. However, within the folky pictures, a character who is never mentioned in the text appears. While Rosie walks around, a sly fox follows her without ever being noticed by Rosie. I would use this book in my classroo...
Genre: Wordless / Humor Year Published: 1971 Year Read: 2010 This is the second book that I have read from Pat Hutchins, the first book being “Rosie’s Walk” and this book is called “Changes, Changes.” “Changes, Changes” is a wordless picture book that details the adventures of two toy figurin...
Genre: Animal / Humor Year Published: 1968 Year Read: 2010 I actually first heard about this book when I was watching it on “Weston Woods” which is a children’s programming company that turns classic children’s books into ten minute long cartoon shorts. “Rosie’s Walk” is a children’s book by P...
Very good to read to young children, no long sentences and short enough to keep their attention. Unique storyline with a fox following a chicken.
This is a book which I remember checking out of the library many times as a child. For some reason I found it really entertaining. I'm sure if I picked it up today I would still be highly amused.
My younger brother's favorite childhood book. Read it I don't know how many times! = )
My younger brother's favorite childhood book. Read it I don't know how many times! = )
Little brother follows sister around, trying to do everything she does. Although he spoils everything, adults allow him to continue because "he is only little." Children with younger siblings may relate.
Rosie the hen goes for walk, followed by the fox. Fox continually finds himself in trouble.
Classic from when I was little. We even did art projects based on the artwork from this.