Title: Iron Kissed Series: Mercy Thompson, #3 Author: Patricia Briggs (Narrator: Lorelei King) Genre: Paranormal Romance - Urban Fantasy Publisher: Penguin Audio Release Date: November 01, 2009 Format: Audiobook Pages: 9 hours 11 minutes Source: Bought When her former boss and mentor is arrested...
Title: Moon Called Series: Mercy Thompson, #1 Author: Patricia Briggs (Narrator: Lorelei King) Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: Penguin Audio Release Date: September 1, 2009 Format: Audiobook Pages: 9 hours and 14 minutes Source: Bought THE FIRST MERCY THOMPSON NOVEL! Moon Called is the novel ...
Title: When Demons Walk Series: Sianim #3 Author: Patricia Briggs (Narrator: Jennifer James Bradshaw) Genre: Epic Fantasy Publisher: Penguin Audio Release Date: December 6, 2011 Format: Audiobook Pages: 9 hours and 54 minutes Source: Bought From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the M...
TITLE: Smoke Bitten SERIES: Mercy Thompson #12 AUTHOR: Patricia Briggs ____________________________ ********************SPOILERS************************** This installment was rather bland and came across as filler or as if the author had run out of ideas. There were 3 main plot lines....
Wow. Never has a series fallen like this for me before.The Mercy Thompson series is just a lot of filler and rehashing of older story-lines and the Alpha & Omega series...woo boy just go read up on the last book, fans are still reeling from that mess. The newest Mercy book had too much going on (f...
There's just so much going on in this novel, it's hard to know where to start—this may be the busiest Mercy Thompson novel yet. Well, okay, we'll start with the titular bit. Something/Someone has escaped from Underhill. This seems fairly impossible, but I guess even nigh-omnipotent sentient spaces m...
I had the audiobook version of this on pre-order. I dived into it the morning it was released and, by the time I'd reached the end of the first chapter, I was already impressed. One of the challenges in a series like this is how you do the "previously on Mercy Thompson" bit to remind me of what h...
This is one of very few long running series that I still keep up with. Visiting Mercy's world is a comfort. This wasn't my favorite offering, but it was still fun. The focus in this book is on witches, black magic, and even some zombies. All in all it was a fun romp but nothing terribly memorable.
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