A very involving tale of two sisters, Harriet and Isabella, members of the large, well-known Beecher family, and the trial that drove them apart. This is a carefully plotted, intricate novel about slavery, women's rights, and family loyalties, all gathered up in a story that really made me think. T...
I was expecting so much more when I started this book, the characters were shallow and I really didn't care about them at all. The leaps in time became annoying and the depiction of the sisters felt unrealistic - what 85 year-old runs to climb a new bridge? Nothing interesting develops out of the in...
This was an interesting novel and kept me entertained throughout. I have to admit not being a fan of Alcott, I may have read Little Women when I was younger, but I don't recall it. That will be to be on my TBR list for the future. The story is told in the first person by Alcott's fictional cousin, S...