An intriguing look at one family's experiences through two world wars in Germany, as seen from different perspectives and points in time. However, the writing can be a rather weighty and takes work to get through, especially with so many perspective changes and so many people to keep track of.
This is a wonderful, wonderful book -- and it has made me a fan of Böll -- the writing is lovely, humane, a spirit of dignity... I found the ending somewhat less satisfying, as there were too many loose threads, and so the missing star. But this remains a wonderful read, and the discovery for me of ...
I'm very glad to have gotten in touch with this book again. I last met it 20-odd years ago after I'd performed in Beckett's Waiting for Godot in college. I had to immerse myself in the rest of his writings for a period of months.Despite that, I could recall no details of Molloy. The 20-year-old vers...
Discussed with Krapp's Last Tape
I have lived xx amount of years without reading this - why is that? It's sublime, already worth 5 stars and I'm only half way through.