He redeemed himself a bit with the nonfiction part of the T-Rex chapter, but man, that narrative tone and his "I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread and I'm best buddies with all the cool kids in paleontology (even the long-dead ones)" attitude seriously grated pretty much from page 1 to literal...
This is another book that I loved as a child, but was a very different experience when read as an adult. The scenes and images and emotions that I remembered most vividly were still beautiful – those between Buck and John Thornton. The tenderly rough way that man and dog expressed love for each othe...
Bevor ich dieses Buch gelesen habe, hatte ich schon diverse Reportagen über Janni Schofield gesehen, sowie Interviews mit ihren Eltern und unzählige Auftritte in Talkshows. Und dabei hatte ich mehr und mehr den Eindruck gewonnen, dass Janni vielleicht gar nicht schizophren ist - sondern ihre Eltern ...