Linear Shift, Part 2 by Paul B. Kohler is a time travel story. I gave it four stars. It continues where Linear Shift, Part 1 stopped. "Michael could feel the goose bumps dance across his skin like spiders attending a masquerade ball. He longed to hear those words. He needed to hear more." It's a...
This time around I am giving a great big shout out to four of the authors from the Descent Into Darkness. R. L. Blalock, Tony Urban, Max Lockwood, Patrick LoganMark of Perdition by R.L. BlalockReads like a full length novel. You don't feel cheated. You don't feel as if there are holes in the story. ...
Linear Shift by Paul B. Kohler, published by Global Endeavor is intriguing. I gave it four stars. This segment deals primarily with character development. In 1942 Doctor Bernard Epson is studying time travel. Michael Gallagher is his assistant who's loyalties lie with the Society. He had been subt...
The Hunted Assassin by Paul Kohler is a breath-holding, suspense-filled book. I sped through it so fast, my kindle could barely keep up. I read this exciting story in one sitting. I gave it five stars. Martin Wheeler aka Jaxon Rasner had worked for the Global Security Agency (GSA) as a trained ass...
I originally read this story as part of the Immortality Chronicles (one of the anthologies in the Future Chronicles) and was impressed... Paul B. Kohler's Rememorations was one of my favorites in the collection.I actually had to pause reading and just sit and think about how ever person and every de...
Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be immortal? After a while, what would you do? The quest to gather wealth would eventually grow boring, and with every movie watched and ever book read, after having watched all of your friends and family die before you, would you crave the cold c...