The story started with a blink.Some may say that the story started with a failed science experiment, or perhaps an experiment that was TOO successful, or even a dry spot on a forehead. In reality, however, the story really does start with that first blink. Looking into the mirror, Nik sees himself b...
There are days that I think Samuel Peralta must be a wizard who uses his magical powers to somehow gather the most interesting authors with the most fascinating tales to tell. Every time I think that the last volume of The Future Chronicles can't be beaten, another one is released that is just as go...
'Twas the night before Christmas, when Melvin appearedOnly Agent Smith stirred as the evening neared;Checking the mail lead to quite a surprise,As a visitor sped away in front of his eyes.Will and Paul Swardstrom bring us a hilarious short story of an alien elf let loose in the headquarters of a sec...
Life is difficult. Often, it doesn't go your way. Success comes at a price, usually by taking the time to do something right, missing out on events around you.The Price of Greatness by Paul Swardstrom is a tale of choices. It's a "deal with the devil" type story, reminding us that if it seems too ea...