Sleeper(s) has a sweet blurb, a great opening, much with the creepy-assed ‘here be monsters’ feeling town, and a solid threat against life on Earth. It moved fast, it ratcheted up the threat level, and demanded your attention for all 184 pages. It’s also nicely copy-edited and proofread, and has a ...
*Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.* Holmes and Watson take on the mystery of several missing people, all the cases are linked and point to a group called the 'Order of the Gash'. Watson is sent to an asylum in France to find out more abo...
Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell. There is so just much potential in the concept. Handle it right, and you've got yourself a horror/mystery that is destined to become a genre staple. Fumble it at any point, however, and you have two separate camps of fandom ready to critique, condemn, and dr...
I just finished reading the anthology Gaslight Arcanum: Uncanny Tales of Sherlock Holmes. Reviews of each story are below.As with any collection, there were highs and lows. Fortunately, the highs greatly outpaced the lows.As a collection, this is a hearty 4 STARS. "The Comfort of the Seine" by Steph...
More Zombies! Zombies are starting to get overdone, but in this 3rd volume or Zombie Tales, there are still surprises to be found. Not every zombie fits the generic Romero zombie type, and it's fun to be inside the head of a zombie. These tales are collected from other magazines, novels, anthologi...
It's got Clive Barker's "The Body Politic" -my favourite story from many years ago, which I didn't own a copy of until now. Plus there's James Herbert & David Moody. And it was on sale.How could I NOT buy it?
I had high hopes for this book, but there were a number of serious things wrong with it. The first 163 pages are encumbered by so-called "classic" body horror. Everyone who buys and reads this book has already read "The Fly," "Who Goes There?", "The Tell-Tale Heart" (body horror?), "Herbert West,"...
We see Dalton Quayle and his adventures through his close colleague Dr. Pemberton's journal he keeps to document their adventures. These stories are nothing short of fun! Fun in the tale and fun in the play on words, puns on names, movies, songs, you name it. And the literal meanings of words as ...