Toys Go Out is a middle grade novel that follows 3 toy friends that come to life when their little girl goes to sleep. Lumphy (stuffed buffalo), Sting Ray (dry clean only), and Plastic (a bouncy ball) are the main characters with distinct (albeit simple) personalities. The primary story revolves aro...
Dear Mr. Henshaw was one of the first chapter books that I remember reading. I was captivated by the story and re-read the book numerous times. The story dives into heavy situations, such as divorce, bullying, and moving to a new school. I loved that the main character would write to his favorite au...
Grade level 5 Dear Mr. Henshaw is a great book to have the students read and write a report. The book has many examples of writing different types of letters (buisness letters and personal letters). The book also includes rhymes and pictures to keep the students' attention.
I picked this book up because I recently read some author's bio and he/ she said this book was influential in their lives. Unfortunately, I don't remember who the author was or the particular significance. A sweet story but not life-changing for me. The premise is a school-aged boy writes to his fav...
This is a prequel to the other Toys books, giving us the origin stories for Stingray, Lumphy, and Plastic and the simple goals and problems of the toys reflect the constrained concerns of young children.I love them. Cute, and importantly, amusing stories, that continue to delight me long after my ow...
Hansel and Gretel had a much more challenging life than I realized. I knew they got lost in the woods and were almost cooked and eaten by an evil old witch, but what I did not know was that it was their own mother's idea to abandon them in the woods to begin with. Crimony, talk about emotional sca...
Earwig is an orphan. When she was a baby she was left at the orphanage and has been there ever since. But she doesn't want it any other way. She likes the orphanage, the people there, her friend Custard and most of all, they do what she wants. She's avoided being chosen all this time, but there is o...
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