Hát, van amit csak kíváncsiságból átfutottam, mert nemhogy egyelőre, valszeg sohasem fogom a gyakorlatban megvalósítani, legfeljebb ha beköszönt valami Kvantumtolvaj-féle világ =) A sarokemelős résznek meg pont hogy bele kellett volna az első kötetbe is férnie szerintem, mondjuk kevesebb börtönvagá...
I'm sure the author has never been in jail and the book stinks of marketing but anyway, I started doing the exercises and I like it.
I read this as a friend suggested it was a good way of building up strength without weights or being a member of a gym. Paul Wade was a long term convict in the US who acquired knowledge of Calisthenics. Wade argues that Calisthenics (essentially training without weights or machines (e.g. sit ups, ...