Not my pint of Pilsner.
This is one of the rare cases where I saw the movie well before I read the book. In part, I think my reaction to the book is because of what I saw with movie. Tracing the rise and fall of a busboy during the mid-1900s, I Served the King of England is a brew of humor, strangeness and beauty. It is im...
Man's body and spirit are indestructible...he is merely changed or metamorphized- Bohumil Hrabal, I Served the King of England (1971).Hrabal's satirically political, erotically imagined and poignant adventure story follows the rise and fall of a young busboy Ditie (Czech for 'child') who, being dimi...
This is a justice-gone-wrong story and it's a shocker.Luckily for Stafford who was sentenced to life in gaol for the particularly appalling murder of a young girl, private investigator Graeme Crowley couldn't let it go. Having been employed by Stafford's family after Stafford was sentenced, he made ...
I'll need to be careful not to swallow this one...