Disclaimer: ARC via Netgalley and Open Road Media.The best new television show for the 2015-2016 year is Underground. Shown on the WGN network, the series is about a group of slaves in the 1850s trying to escape. At times the show, as most television shows do, stretch the bounds of believability (ho...
Eleven-year-old Clay Garrity is on his own. His father lost his job and left the family. Now Clay's mother is gone from their welfare hotel. Clay is homeless and out on the streets of New York. In the park he meets two homeless men. Buddy and Calvin become Clay's new family during those harsh winter...
4.5 stars.Very well written. Extremely enjoyable. A short book about the erosion of relationships, whether marital, personal, or professional. Sometimes it happens because people change, but most often it can happen because people stay the same.Desperate Characters is the first book I've read by ...
Intrigued as it was a Newberry book and one that I had never heard of before, I had no prejudgments to go upon as I started to read The Slave Dancer. This book is dark and shows the cruelty of slavery which I found difficult for being a Newberry book. Sure, it was 1974 Newberry winner but some of ...
There are books out there which are phenomenal examples of writing. Some of these books see the light of day, garner some attention, are even made into a respectable film, but they're forgotten all too quickly. They float away from the literary canon and are out-of-print before anyone notices. Su...
This is like Three's Company if the cast had been horribly abused and/or disfigured.
Jessie Bollier is kidnapped, taken from his mother and sister, and left stranded aboard a slave ship, on its way to Africa to acquire a boatload of slave cargo. He has been taken in order to play the fife on the ship, to play the fife for the slaves, to entice them to dance, to keep the slaves fit w...
A really excellent book about homelessness and creating community.
11 year old Elizabeth is shipped off to a remote island in Maine to spend a month with her grandmother after her brother is born. She's an engaging heroine, spunky and flawed. There were some clunky moments, but by the end of the book, I was liking the writing style more.
Woman and her husband. Woman keeps fedding a stray cat. The cat bites the woman.