Evelyn wrote, "I know of no more interesting subject to the average man than himself... All men lie when speaking of themselves, and however good or pious they may be, the exaggerate their own qualities."
Whatsherface married whatshisface, and they get their own television speical this fall. Neither one seems to have done anything to earn the fame or the reality show. But hey, at least whatsherface is better looking than Paris Hilton.Society obessess about celebrities, even when they have done noth...
A biography of Evelyn Nesbit, the beauty who became the symbol of the Gilded Age. Often 'beauties of the age' don't stand the test of time, but Evelyn is just as beautiful now as she was considered to be back in 1901. At 16, Evelyn became one of the first 'super models'. At 21, Evelyn became the cen...