British crime writer, Pauline Rowson, author of the DI Andy Horton crime series, has been hailed as "redefining the genre of the police drama" by setting it against the atmospheric backdrop of the ever changing sea. Her cops are tough yet fallible. The DI Andy Horton series of crime novels and...
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British crime writer, Pauline Rowson, author of the DI Andy Horton crime series, has been hailed as "redefining the genre of the police drama" by setting it against the atmospheric backdrop of the ever changing sea. Her cops are tough yet fallible. The DI Andy Horton series of crime novels and her new crime series introducing former marine commando, Art Marvik, are packed with "compelling crimes", "fast-paced" and "full of twists and turns" played out against the dramatic and powerfully evocative British marine landscape of the South Coast of England. She is also author of two stand alone crime thriller novels. "Deserves mention in the same breath as works in the upper echelon of American procedurals (those by Ed McBain or Joseph Wambaugh for example) and their British counterparts, including the work of Peter Robinson and John Harvey." Booklist 'Like Rebus, Rowson's DI Andy Horton is a detective who does not always work within the rules. As with all Rowson's novels the ending is dramatic and deeply menacing. If you are a fan of traditional detective fiction in a vivid setting that makes you believe that you are there, you will love this one.' Mystery People Magazine 'Like Ed McBain, Rowson works many subtle variations on the procedural formula (including very interesting relationships between Andy and a couple of his superiors). A definite winner in the crowded field of British procedurals.' Booklist Pauline Rowson is also the author of several marketing and motivational books and an entertaining and inspirational speaker. Visit her website at You can also follow her on Twitter and, Facebook and Goodreads.
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