A mystery-thriller set against the backdrop of high school football and the criminal underworld. A reporter’s job is to find the missing pieces, and the high school journalist Mitch True is on the verge of uncovering those pieces and nailing his first real story. If only he can get the...
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A mystery-thriller set against the backdrop of high school football and the criminal underworld. A reporter’s job is to find the missing pieces, and the high school journalist Mitch True is on the verge of uncovering those pieces and nailing his first real story. If only he can get the cornerback Angel Marichal to talk. Or Coach McNulty to explain why he never allows Angel’s obvious talent—his speed and strength—to shine on the field. What is Angel’s secret? And who profits from keeping the truth hidden? In a thriller both thought-provoking and suspenseful, the award-winning author Carl Deuker shows how investigating someone else’s life can lead to very unexpected discoveries.
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