Loved this short story featuring Liam "Peanut" Cuelbre!Liam is growing up to be a funny, intelligent, compassionate, and fair baby/child.It was wonderful seeing the 'best' of both Liam's parents in how he thinks, his decisions, and his actions.This was a short, fun read!
4 starsQuick, fun read. I enjoyed the story even though I haven't read any of the Elder Races novels yet. But don't worry. I will now ^.^
~ 5 Peanut Stars ~ I’m in love! I didn’t think I could fall anymore into loving this family and world, but I did. Ms. Harrison has left me wanting more, Peanut Goes to School was captivating. I have been gobbling up all the novellas showcasing snippets into this amazing fun world of the Elder Race, ...