by Kealan Patrick Burke
Read Peekers, they said.It's a good short story, they said.Well, I read it, and it's a good short story, but what they failed to mention was it was also freaking disturbing and now I'm looking at all the corners and edges in my area, like "Where you at? Nope there's nothing there. There's nothing th...
bookshelves: winter-20142015, boo-scary, published-2006, shortstory-shortstories-novellas, film-only Recommended for: Melki Read on January 24, 2015 whilst we are here, check this one out too
Larry Morgan's mundane plans for the day are disrupted by a reclusive neighbor whose wife has apparently been replaced by a creepy, grinning doppelganger....and that's just the start of something much bigger....and creepier.This short story is currently being adapted for the big screen and is slated...