Penelope Rivers
Birth date: January 01, 1990
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The concept is fascinating, but I'm sure there was a much less dispassionate way of telling it. I mean, it sounds like a student reciting from a textbook.Actually, the entire thing is written rather...painfully. It reads like Mark knows all the answers already, but still asks stupid rhetorical quest...
cute but very short. not sure if it is worth 4$
As much as I love Penelope Rivers, I didn't exactly love this book. The writing is wonderful, as always, but the plot was just too predictable for me to really enjoy. :-(
A majority of this book was a pretty decent read albeit predictable. As I got closer to the ending the story just got a bit nonsensical. When Asher has the showdown with the werewolf that murdered his parents he got attacked and received substantial injures (supposedly he had a broken rib (or arm o...
It was interesting reading the difference between vampire, werewolves and incubus. The story and most of the characters were likable. There's action and a bit of gore but it was a fun read with a good storyline.