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Personal Demons - Community Reviews back

by Lisa Desrochers
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Bücherchaos rated it 11 years ago
Ein Buch für zwischen durch, ich hab es immer wieder mal weiter gelesen da ich es nicht fesselnd fand.Alte Geschichte Himmel und Hölle auf Kriegsfuß und genau mittendrinnen die Frannie, ein junges Mädchen was eigentlich mit ganz alltäglichen Problemen zu kämpfen hat. Da taucht Luc auf der Dämon aus ...
The Great Destroyer
The Great Destroyer rated it 13 years ago
Mark-as-spam-reason: Bad review from a book buddy.
No Bent Spines
No Bent Spines rated it 13 years ago
First I wanted an angel then a demon...i was so confused (in a good way) during this novel.3.66 stars :)
Jessie Reads Everything
Jessie Reads Everything rated it 13 years ago
This book was good even though it contained the stupid love triangle that is so popular today. I wanted to hit Frannie with how she goes between Gabe and Luc. Make up your mind already! I do like Frannie even though she is stupid when confronted with two hot guys. I like how the author brings in the...
Obsession with Books
Obsession with Books rated it 13 years ago
Personal Demons is the first book in the Personal Demons trilogy by Lisa Desrochers.Mary Francis Cavanaugh ‘Frannie’ is from a good catholic family and is being pursued by Heaven and Hell. She has a rebellious streak, has been kicked out of Catholic school for asking too many questions and tortured ...
Midu Reads
Midu Reads rated it 13 years ago
This was my first book by this author and I can see she'll get better with her upcoming books. But this book wasn't it. Even though, it added a unique spin to the usual angel demon story, I still had some issues with it:Frannie seemed like a sensible girl till she got involved in a love triangle.The...
castiellans rated it 13 years ago
"...and they sank into the throes of fiery demonic passion."Wait, that's a different story.Anyway, I spent the majority (or all) of this book extremely frustrated with just about all the characters. I feel the need to reward myself for actually finishing it.How did Frannie get all these guys hangin...
Xpresso Reads
Xpresso Reads rated it 13 years ago
I just got this and book 2 in the mail, and very nervous after seeing my friends reviews on it o_O
Falling For YA
Falling For YA rated it 14 years ago
So don't get me wrong I actually enjoyed this book and will probably be picking up the sequel. Why the 3 stars then? you ask. Well as much as I liked this book there were a few things I could just not get over and they prevented me from giving this book any more stars.Personal Demons centers around ...
volds rated it 14 years ago
I like the twist with Frannie being the good catholic girl, with the temptation of Luc and Gab. In the next book I can’t wait to find out if she has the power to change Luc.
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