by Larry Rodness
Emylene Stipe, is a nineteen-year-old, rare second generation Goth. Her parents are extremely influential within the Goth community, making her Goth Royalty. Her life changes when she purchases a drawing at an antique store. Emylene releases a woman from the sketch whom she names Poinsetta. Imag...
La perversidad existencialista y el mundo góticoPerverse de Larry RodnessLa historia consta de dos partes, la primera, el autor nos introduce en el mundo de Emylene, un universo gótico, para muchos puede resultar tedioso pero para mí fue fascinante porque era mi primer contacto con esa realidad, sus...
First of all, I have to thank the author for giving me such a wonderful book.This kind of Goth princess story is very new to me.I can't say how much i enjoyed reading this book.In the first half, the author gives us a little introduction about the main protagonist Emlyne stipe, a young second genera...