by T.A. Chase
There is "not enough" trend in this book, IMHO. Human Bart's not sick enough the way his illness is described. Pest does not care enough & not emotional enough. He is detached and doesn't spend enough time with Bart. Pest and Death talk about secrecy but they are not secretive enough. In fact they...
I finished this book on Christmas Eve and am just now offering up my review and rating. I enjoyed it. It wasn't great, but it was a bunch of fun for me. I love the concept of the Four Horseman and how they supposedly act and interact in our world. The love story between Pestilence and Bart wa...
It was how I expected it would be, yet I still managed to feel kind of disappointed.I feel awkward linking to the review of someone I'm not friends with, but seeing as how it's public anyway, I hope it doesn't clash with the rules. I feel that this lovely lady's review sums it up in a way that's pe...
2.5 stars. I was a bit disappointed with this story. I believe, had I read it when it first came out, I might have felt differently, but as that is not the case, I felt the writing was a bit juvenile at times and quite a few things that didn't quite add up. It seemed to be repeating things, and I...
free at ARe 19/12/12
This book was a lot of fun. Pest was a total cutie who made his life way more difficult than necessary, which is always fun. I think one of my favorite parts was where he threw a sulk fit over a magazine article. I also liked he was so modern. I had it in my head he'd be all reclusive old school doe...