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Peter F. Hamilton - Community Reviews back

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The Professor
The Professor rated it 6 years ago
A vast, all-you-can-eat, SF buffet. Probably off-puttingly long for those trying to cram in 250 books in a year and whether or not the story actually needs an entire chapter on the evolution of the Ly-cilph is open for debate but for those of us happy to sud ourselves in a highly readable SF saga th...
Musings/Träumereien/Devaneios rated it 7 years ago
"Book One in the Salvation Sequence, a dazzling space opera trilogy from master of the genre, Peter F. HamiltonKnow your enemy - or be defeated.AD 2204An alien shipwreck is discovered on a planet at the very limits of human expansion - so Security Director Feriton Kayne selects a team to investigate...
Musings/Träumereien/Devaneios rated it 7 years ago
“I’m an appropriate companion personality for a girl your age, young missy. We spent all night ransacking that library to see what I should be like. You got any idea what it’s like watching eight million hours of Disney AVs?” In "The Naked God" by Peter F. HamiltonHamilton is giving Doc Smith a rebo...
Tannat rated it 7 years ago
Series: Commonwealth Saga #2 It's finally over. The ending wasn't even all that interesting; stuff just happened and then things finally ended. Even the stuff with the Prime aliens and the Starflyer wasn't all that interesting in this one, so everything that bugged me about the world Hamilton crea...
Tannat rated it 7 years ago
Series: Commonwealth Saga #1 It is finally over! Alright, I probably shouldn't sound so relieved when I've already started listening to its sequel, which is even longer. This book is flawed in several ways but I still found it interesting and want to see where we go in the sequel. Basically, t...
Burgoo rated it 8 years ago
What I wanted to be a fun space opera romp was marred by genocidal aliens and an authoritarian government. I've got that at home.
Arbie's Unoriginally Titled Book Blog
Probably the best novel from Hamilton since Fallen Dragon. Much less padding, fewer viewpoint characters, no obviously, horribly wrong science. The main problem here is a large section following a character called Slvasta that is highly repetitious of material following Edeard in the Void Trilogy....
susanvoss18 rated it 9 years ago
This is a big sweeping epic scifi! There’s a lot going on in this story. Set in the far, far future, there’s an intersolar commonwealth with all sorts of politics. At the center of the galaxy, is the Void, which is supposedly this artificial universe created by a technologically advanced civilizati...
William's Book Blog
William's Book Blog rated it 9 years ago
I so enjoyed the first book in the series. This was a real let-down. None of the twists and turns of the first novel. The good guys had too much power and were never in any real danger. A very ordinary villain who's only caught because he loses his nerve and forces a showdown. The obvious suspe...
Sunsy rated it 9 years ago
Autor: Peter F. HamiltonTitel: SeelengesängeReihe: Der Armageddon-Zyklus (3)Genre: Science FictionÜbersetzer: Axel MerzVerlag: Bastei Lübbe, [25.07.2000]TB, 944 Seiten, 9,99 €Kindle-Edition: 6,99 €Audible GmbH, [30.06.2015]Spieldauer: 28 Std., 14 Min (ungekürzt)Sprecher: Oliver SiebeckRegulärer Prei...
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