Born in Southern California (working class L.A. County), grew up in the San Joaquin Valley, near Fresno. Graduated from the University of California, Berkeley. Served in U.S. Army. Graduate of U.S. Department of Defense Information School, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana. Worked as reporter, news...
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Born in Southern California (working class L.A. County), grew up in the San Joaquin Valley, near Fresno. Graduated from the University of California, Berkeley. Served in U.S. Army. Graduate of U.S. Department of Defense Information School, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana. Worked as reporter, news editor, feature writer, and critic for several newspapers, notably the St. Petersburg Times and the Sacramento Bee. Worked in book publishing and as freelance magazine writer. Author of books including "Was Napoleon Poisoned?" Happily married with two teen sons. Reside in Madison, Wisconsin.
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