bookshelves: published-2015, nonfiction, radio-4, history, spring-2015 Recommended for: BBC Radio Listeners Read from May 07 to 16, 2015 BOTW Peter Moore's lively account tells the story of the adventurous quest to understand the atmosphere. ...
V is For Villain is a novel that I have been waiting for ever since I first saw it on Goodreads. I’m a huge fan of comics and everything that comes with them. The heroes and villains. The spandex costumes. The unrealistic body proportions and the storylines (both the good and the bad). V is For Vill...
This, regrettably, is a DNF. I gave up at 50%. The story and the characters just were not working for me. I love the premise, but the execution wasn't holding my interest
three point five starsI don't even know what to say.
3 frosted ginger cookies.Cover Love:It's not bad, but not super great either.Why I Wanted to Read This:I have a faction of readers in my school that love vampires and a faction that love werewolves. I bought this for the latter and wanted to read it so I could effectively book talk it next fall! Re...