TITLE: Barbarians to Angels: The Dark Ages Reconsidered AUTHOR: Peter S. Wells DATE PUBLISHED: 2008 FORMAT: e-book ISBN: 9780393069372 _________________________________________ In Barbarians to Angels, Wells discusses his basic thesis that the “Dark Ages” weren’t quite so dark. That...
I would describe this book as a professor's collection of undergraduate-level lectures about the Dark Ages - which, as he correctly points out, weren't quite as "dark" as the general public might think. Of course, John & Jane Q. Public don't often consider the Dark Ages except when they're watching ...
Book Description from Amazon.comThe Barbarians Speak re-creates the story of Europe's indigenous people who were nearly stricken from historical memory even as they adopted and transformed aspects of Roman culture. The Celts and Germans inhabiting temperate Europe before the arrival of the Romans le...