Peter St. John
Peter St John is best known for his six "Gang" books about children's gangs during World II. These novels spring from adventures in an English village as an evacuee from the London Blitz.Two other novels draw on his career as a chartered engineer in aerospace research, as well as from experience...
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Peter St John is best known for his six "Gang" books about children's gangs during World II. These novels spring from adventures in an English village as an evacuee from the London Blitz.Two other novels draw on his career as a chartered engineer in aerospace research, as well as from experience within parliamentary and governmental organizationsAn occasional poem of his has been published.He lives in France where he is president of a cultural association.
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Peter St. John's Books
Castles, Customs and Kings edited by Debra Brown and the late M.M. Bennetts and has essays from such historical fiction authors such as Katherine Ashe, Gillian Bagwell, Nancy Bilyeau, Sandra Byrd, Stephanie Cowell, Christy English, Barbara Kyle just to name a few, go here to read more about these au...