This book was excruciatingly dull and was only made worse by horrible audio narration. The story takes place in Berlin, but only a few people have thick German accents, while the main characters sound more American than I do. Odd anachronisms and two-dimensional characters didn't help the slow plot ...
A lovely book.
Usually I attempt to persist with books that I feel tempted to drop, or at least to give them some more time and a second chance to prove me wrong, that they get more interesting and live up to their summaries. Rarely do I try to drop a book so early into it. But in this case I’ve had enough at 26% ...
The Glassblower by Petra Durst-Benning is the story of the Steinmann sisters - Johanna, Ruth, and Marie – attempting to survive after the death of their father. The history of nineteenth century Germany and descriptions of glassblowing are fascinating. My least favorite part of the book is unfortuna...
Gestern habe ich den 2.Teil der Jahrhundertwindtrilogie zuende gelesen.Wer einen so ausladenen Titiel verwendet und zusätzlich den Band noch "Die Champagnerkönigin" nennt,da erwarte ich dann etwas besonderes. Ich beginne kurz mit dem Inhalt: Isabell erbt ,plötzlich und unerwartet ein Weingut in der ...