WHO IS PHIL? Phil Gerbyshak is the head social media strategist and chief connections officer at Milwaukee Social Media, in charge of working with organizations to create strategies and tactics to connect to their customers and prospects using social media. Basically, if you have social media...
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WHO IS PHIL? Phil Gerbyshak is the head social media strategist and chief connections officer at Milwaukee Social Media, in charge of working with organizations to create strategies and tactics to connect to their customers and prospects using social media. Basically, if you have social media needs, Phil can fill them.WHAT HAS HE BEEN DOING WITH HIS LIFE? Phil has over eight years of experience within this industry, with a wide range of companies from automotive remanufacturers, wine companies, and electricians, to plumbers, restaurants, software companies, and various associations. His focus is on the small and small-thinking businesses, but his ideas are anything but small. Phil also has over fifteen years within the information technology (IT) industry, including call center services, allowing him to focus on the needs of customers and relate to their experiences to ensure successful marketing.WHAT MAKES HIM SO GREAT? Phil has been deemed an "expert in the area of building relationships using blogging," and has written four published books, including #TwitterWorks, which focused entirely on social media. Phil has also written over 2,000 articles on his personal website and presented at numerous companies and associations around the world. To sum it all up, Phil Gerbyshak is a pretty big deal - and he can be your pretty big deal.SAYS WHO? Besides the numerous people who just think Phil is a pretty cool guy, he has lots of people who have great things to say about his work, and about his expertise in social media marketing. You can check out some interviews about Phil, or read up on the kind things people have said of him on LinkedIn. And in case that doesn't impress you yet, Phil has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Investor's Business Daily, USA Today, the Financial Times and CBS Smart Planet. BAM.WHY DOES HE MATTER? Well, that's an easy one: Phil Gerbyshak matters because he is an expert in an industry that not many people know too much about yet. Besides the fact that he calls soda "pop," Phil keeps it real and works hard to ensure the success of your business is met through your social media channels. Bottom line: Phil matters because the feat of your company matters. And trying to argue that is like trying to argue that spaghetti and tuna fish don't go together.HOW CAN HE HELP? Whether it's offering your company personalized services to aide in your social media marketing or assisting in strategizing to build social media awareness, Phil is your solid choice. To get in touch with Phil, you can email him, Facebook him, Tweet him, LinkedIn him (can that be used as a verb yet?), or just shout "PHIL GERBYSHAK!" from the top of your lungs until he hears you and comes to your assistance.
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