Chrono-displacement Molecular Reassembly Psychosis Specialist and Test Subject Hostage Negotiator Phil Hornshaw moonlights as a technology blogger when he hangs up his time travel goggles. A sometimes fanatical consumer of television and film as well as part-time payer of attention to Science, he...
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Chrono-displacement Molecular Reassembly Psychosis Specialist and Test Subject Hostage Negotiator Phil Hornshaw moonlights as a technology blogger when he hangs up his time travel goggles. A sometimes fanatical consumer of television and film as well as part-time payer of attention to Science, he has a known a fascination with time travel and its horrific effects on the human all his life. He currently lives in Los Angeles and spends much of his timew working on various science-fictiony experiments in plot delivery systems with writing partner-best friend Nick Hurwitch.Hornshaw works as a smartphone app-centric tech blogger for and writes about video games for He also has a (somewhat unhealthy) fixation with zombies, aliens and other horror-type...horrors, and has been known to write short stories, screenplays and 140-character musings.
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