If you've lost track of me, I'm still here. After devoting my life to private practice and working with many athletes around the world, I expanded my horizons. I spent a considerable amount of time researching plants to find the most therapeutic phytonutrients. This culminated with the...
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If you've lost track of me, I'm still here. After devoting my life to private practice and working with many athletes around the world, I expanded my horizons. I spent a considerable amount of time researching plants to find the most therapeutic phytonutrients. This culminated with the development of a number of nutritional products unique to the industry. I continued to lecture and write (I'll list some of my books below). I recently developed a unique form of neuromuscular biofeedback (Manual Biofeedback)and incorporated neurofeedback, spend time with some rock bands as their doctor, and other exciting ventures.In 2004 I further expanded my world, plunging nearly full time into a singer-songwriter career. Yes, this seems like a radical change, but it's what my mind has always wanted but never made it clear enough. I went to LA to work with producer Rick Rubin and have written about 200 songs and recorded five demo albums, and my first CD is due out December 2006. With all these different directions, I have not abandoned my own personal health and fitness philosophies and practices I began teaching many years ago.Some of my other books include: Fix Your Feet (Lyons Press) In Fitness and In Health (The No Nonsense Guide)(4th edition, Barmore) Complementary Sports Medicine (a textbook) (Human Kinetics) Eating for Endurance (2nd edition, Barmore) Training for Endurance (Barmore) Nutrition for Children with Brain Dysfunction (with Coralee Thompson, MD; in Press)
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