This book was passed on to me by Tigus, along with a Frederic Brown mystery called Madball, which I read for Halloween Bingo. This was a delightfully funny and convoluted mystery. The MC, Leonidas Witherall, runs a boys school, writes mysteries in secret, and looks so much like Shakespeare that hi...
I enjoy Phoebe Atwood Taylor's madcap mysteries. The ones from the 1930s are a real glimpse into the past. Sometimes the attitudes -- race and class -- are depressing, but the mysteries and the fun antics are ridiculously appealing. Unique style and well worth acquainting yourself with Asey Mayo.
Phoebe Atwood Taylor wrote 24 Asey Mayo stories over a 20 year period, 1931 to 1951. Asey lives on Cape Cod and is often called upon to help solve local mysteries. His friends refer to him as the "Codfish Sherlock" . I always picture him as a cross between Colombo and Matlock. In these stories, ther...
Phoebe Atwood Taylor wrote lovely absurd puzzles where the non-stop buzzing around is fun, the characters pleasant and the ending satisfying. I'm happy to add another to my re-read shelf :) She was also quite happy to include contemporary pop culture and events, and that makes for an interesting vie...
This is written in the middle of the Great Depression. While still concentrating on the comfortably wealthy, the dislocation and extreme poverty is there. It is a cosy mystery with Asey Mayo--maybe not the most puzzling he's ever solved, but the story worked for me.
A classic murder method. I don't want to be a spoiler, so I'll only say Terry Pratchett also uses it to good effect in one of his novels.